Renaissance, short stories, Subjects for discussion

Wilding – an ancient tale for modern times

During the Renaissance, the myths of classical Greece and Rome entertained and inspired artists, poets, playwrights and in particular, Titian who used them to create a series of paintings for Philip II of Spain's private camerino in Madrid during the 1550s. Today, these myths and legends still inspire those with a creative mind. Loosley based… Continue reading Wilding – an ancient tale for modern times

Artists of Northern Europe, Portraiture, Tudor portraiture

Sir Thomas More – how we know him & his family

The face of Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) is known to us because Hans Holbein the Younger (c1497-1543) painted the portrait that now hangs in the Frick Collection, New York. Sir Thomas More as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancasterhans Holbein the Younger (c1497-1543). Frick Collection New York.Image source : Wikipedia For those interested in the… Continue reading Sir Thomas More – how we know him & his family

Exhibitions, Illuminated manuscripts, portrait miniature, Portraiture, Subjects for discussion, Symbols and emblems

Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619) & Isaac Oliver (1565-1617): Painters to the Elizabethan and Jacobean courts

Nicholas Hilliard was England’s first English artist to become internationally famous. His self portrait (© Victoria & Albert Museum, London) is a mere 41mm in diameter (1.6 inches) and it is for these exquisitely delicate and miniature images of Elizabeth I and her court that he becomes famous. I fell in love with Hilliard’s miniatures… Continue reading Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619) & Isaac Oliver (1565-1617): Painters to the Elizabethan and Jacobean courts

Artists of Northern Europe, Flemish primitives, Illuminated manuscripts

The Adoration of the Kings

As Epiphany approaches, we remember how the Holy Family were visited by three wise men from the East. However they, having foreseen the arrival of the new King of the Jews, had gone to King Herod thinking they would find the infant Christ there. Herod had no knowledge of the birth of a new king,… Continue reading The Adoration of the Kings